
Nuxt / Vue Boilerplate

Build Faster

WhyNotShip is a Nuxt boilerplate that streamlines SaaS development.
Build, iterate, and deploy high-quality applications with ease and confidence.

hero image
Tailwind CSS
Drizzle ORM

James Clear wisely said,

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

No matter how high your goals are, success depends on the systems you rely on.

That's why we hand-picked and combined these systems to form WhyNotShip — so you can build faster and reach your goals.

Built-in Features

Payment Automation

Stripe One-Time Payment and Subscription Integration (kinda a big deal)

Stripe takes care of subscriptions, trials, and one-time payments like a pro. With automatic trial provisioning, seamless upsells, and webhooks for subscription updates, it's your ultimate payment sidekick. Say goodbye to payment headaches and hello to effortless cash flow.

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Isomorphic Authorization

Role-Based Access Control

CASL gives you superhero-level control over who does what in your app. With dynamic permissions and roles for admins and users, it's security so fine-tuned, even the tiniest details are covered. Perfect for keeping your data locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

Out of the box

Email and OAuth 2.0 Authentication

Logging in has never been this easy. Our system supports email sign-ups and OAuth 2.0, with Github OAuth built right in. It's secure, simple, and handles account linking without breaking a sweat. Your users will love the convenience, and you'll love the peace of mind.

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More Features to Fall in Love With

Email Templating and Sending

Create and send beautifully crafted emails with ease using Nodemailer, Resend, and SMTP protocols.

Shadcn Component System

Provides a customizable UI component library using Shadcn and Tailwind CSS.

Dark Mode

Allows your application to switch between light and dark themes seamlessly.

Turso/SQLite Database

A reliable and scalable database solution powered by Turso and SQLite.

Drizzle ORM

A robust ORM for managing database interactions.

SEO and Image Optimization

Tools for enhancing SEO and optimizing images.

Google Fonts

Integrates Google Fonts into your application.


A powerful charting library for creating interactive data visualizations.

Custom Sparkline Chart

A hand crafted sparkline chart for visualizing data trends in a dashboard.

Blog with Nuxt Content

Enables blogging capabilities using Nuxt Content and Markdown.

Composable Library

A collection of reusable Vue.js composables.

Form Validation

Implements robust form validation using VeeValidate and Yup.

So there you have it - WhyNotShip isn't just a tool, it's your co-pilot in the wild ride of SaaS development. Whether you're collecting payments, securing user access, or just making your site look like a million bucks, we've got your back.

At WhyNotShip, we believe in making dev life easier, faster, and a whole lot more fun. So go on, launch your dreams - because WhyNotShip?

Why we created WhyNotShip

You have a brilliant business idea but the endless dev work is draining your time, money, and energy faster than a worried grandmother trying to feed you for strength. You need a way to reclaim your resources and focus on what matters most: Serving your customers and chasing your dream. You need a streamlined solution that takes care of the technical details so you can get back to building and innovating.

Our competitors do this (kind of) but it's like watching two raccoons try to put together an IKEA table. They bundle parts together in confusing ways, leading to frustration and clunky solutions. Will it take you where you want to go? Maybe. But the process is costly, inefficient, and may require rabies shots.

We do things differently — We've handpicked parts and systems from brands you know and trust. The idea being, if you're going to do something, do it right the first time.

The Result? WhyNotShip.

Well, more like a warehouse full of engines. Each crafted to power your unique ideas with precision and reliability.

No more endless slogs through painful dev work like Stripe integrations or role-based access control with fine-grained permissions (yeah, we have that—thanks CASL).

And that's just the tip of the development iceberg.

The best part? It's a one-time payment of $99.

At WhyNotShip, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams without being bogged down by dev work that costs you time, money, and what little sanity you have left.

We built WhyNotShip for you so you could have a functioning engine that will take you where you want to go, with you in control.

Don't let technical hurdles hold you back. Launch your dream with WhyNotShip and watch your business come to life.

Blake, Edward, and Robert
WhyNotShip Founders


Pre Launch Price

Limited time offer

  • Nuxt Boilerplate
  • SEO & Blog
  • Email Templates
  • Resend & SMTP Emails
  • Stripe Payments and Subscriptions
  • Turso SQLite DB
  • Drizzle ORM
  • Email/Password & Oauth 2.0 Authentication
  • CASL Isomorphic Authorization RBAC
  • Components and Animations

Pay once. Build unlimited projects!

(Prices will increase after the beta period)

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